Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Current State of the United States Economy Essay

The news mediums, television, radio, print, or social media give information 24-hours a day regarding the economy. Individuals are not so sure about the reports issued on almost an hourly basis that are stating the economy of United States is improving. Many Americans are still without jobs, and do not believe their income can continue to support their families. The cost of purchasing a home is going up in many areas across the country, which is good for the market, but can be bad for the first time homebuyer. Unemployment, expectations, consumer income, interest rates are economic factors that influence individuals behavior and the United States fiscal policy. The following gives examples of the aforementioned factors current†¦show more content†¦While nonfarm and farm investments, final sales of domestic product, real domestic income, and corporation show an increase people are suspicious if the United States is coming out of the recession. Economists predict individuals will continue to increase spending on nondurable and durable goods, but when it comes to services the population is hesitant from the result of the downturn in the housing. In 2014, economist, predict the housing market will recover, and the interest rates will gradually go up increasing the money in the pockets of the consumers. There are many predictions to what approach the government should take to recover the housing market, but ultimately it will be important for the government leaders to prove they can react quickly if any plan backfires. In 2014, many are predicting the housing market to recover and interest rates gradually go up, putting more money in the pockets of the consumers, but this act can also halt any growth in the housing market. There are many predictions to what approach the government should take, but if the economy starts declining, will the government be resilient and adaptable to change course and continue to grow the economy. Consumer income Consumer income can be defined as the income that is left over after taxes, and living expenses are met. This money can also be classified as disposable income, and companies areShow MoreRelatedCurrent Economic Conditions Of The United States Economy1963 Words   |  8 PagesCurrent Economic Conditions †¢ As previously stated in the executive summary, the United States’ economy is currently stagnating. From week to week we may see a rise in one indicator while there is a fall in another indicator, but none of the rises or falls are drastic enough to have an overwhelming impact on the economy as a whole. Although the economy is not near as strong as it was before the 2008-2009 recession, arguably one of the biggest economic crises of the past decade, there has beenRead MoreUnited States Trade Policy: Current and Future Role in a Global Economy2523 Words   |  11 PagesThe United States has for over two centuries been involved in the growing world economy. 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